Monday, 10 June 2013

Building a Studio: The Roof

My main vision for this space was to open it up. I love the shape of the roof, so I am not interested in changing that. It's also not really in the budget. I thought long and hard about putting in a skylight, but decided against it. I am opening up almost the entire north wall with a bay window and french doors. There will be a ton of natural light in there.


 The existing shingles. Cedar, circa 1963. I've never seen a drop of water in the space.

Although the roof didn't leak it just made sense to redo the exterior while we did everything else. Also, we are spray insulating the inside ceiling. So you don't want to pound nails through that stuff.

Opening up the space means getting rid of the joists. For some reason they are spaced every twelve inches. I think it's more common to have them every sixteen or even twenty four? The rafters need to be reinforced to accomplish this. They added 2x6's to the existing 2x4's that were there. These were glued and screwed in.

Beefing up the existing rafters.

Once we get the okay from the engineer we will use a couple cross braces to add some support. 

Next we removed the old roof

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